We now sell fresh Fruits & Vegetables!
We know that a properly balanced diet and healthy lifestyle is important to you, and so for your customers! The research done by our purchase department analyst showed rapid growth in fresh Fruit&Veg sales and as a result we have made a decision to target this market sector.
We deliver all kind of seasonal fruits and vegetables from Spain, France, Holland, Poland, Germany, Lithuania and Latvia. Most of our supplies are coming weekly straight from the farms, thus making the price we offer one of the lowest on the Irish market!
Along with regular range we also have some exotic fruits and vegetables such as Cherimoya fruit, Persimmons, Blood Oranges and Oyster Mushrooms. The sale of these items are going up rapidly and as a result are attracting more customers into our retail shops.
Interested…? For further information please contact your sales representative or call our direct sales line on 01 814 2800